pretty eyes and pretty boy
in a room filled with pretty faces.
you and i. intertwined.
my heart was screaming i love you, i feel you.
as i am writing this
I'm shaking, caused joy's rush.
remembering I touched your hand today.
i looked into your eyes
i felt you all around me
we talked
something i thought you and i would never do after that misleading road-trip.
my soul screams " passion for the boy, hurt from this boy, passion from the eyes, hurt from the heart, passion for the boy"
You are.
just like house and vicodin.
your hugs; a warm embrace.
your eyes; a new world.
you: normal, normal.
i dont need them twisted people.
i need someone like you.
today i felt you.
i looked into your eyes
i touched your hands
i held you for a couple of seconds
i laughed
Because of you.
Look at what you do to me.
you are empowering.
your looks, & your eyes.
who you are is empowering
(guess who's sleeping with a smile tonight ?)